Eden Restored
Luz Art NYC: September 5-November 29, 2024
Luz Art Paris: January 14-March 31, 2025
More locations and dates to be announced
Jesus is the Gardener of a vibrant, multifaceted garden overflowing with stunning native flora and fauna from twelve regions of the earth. Each regional garden features a local Adam and Eve representing humanity returning to its original purpose of caring for a restored Garden of Eden. The seven-foot tall silk paintings fill the room, inviting everyone to get lost in imagining the glory that is to be revealed in the age to come.
Installation view, Paris
Installation view, Paris
East Asia
Installation view with friend, New York
Calendar page, East Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa
Calendar page, Sub-Saharan Africa
Southeast Asia
Calendar page, Central America
Western Europe
Calendar page, Western Europe
With family friend, New York
South America
Calendar page, South America
Calendar page, North America
North America
Teaching a workshop, New York
Southeast Asia
Calendar page, Southeast Asia
South Asia
Calendar page, South Asia
With family, New York
Middle East & North Africa
Calendar page, Middle East & North Africa
Calendar page, Central Asia
Central Asia
With friends, New York
Australia & Oceania
Calendar page, Australia
Eastern Europe
Calendar page, Eastern Europe
With workshop participant, New York
Jesus the Gardener
Opening night, New York
Tree of Life
Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil (exterior)
Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil (interior)
Installation view, New York